Interactive tools

Interactive tools

Interactive tools

In this section you will be able to access a range of interactive tools funded by AHDB Horticulture. To access the relevant tool below, simply click on the link(s).

Rose Mildew - Decision Support Tool (DST)

As part of project HNS 173, a prediction model for rose downy mildew, incorporated with the rose powdery mildew project (HNS 165), has been developed as a stand-alone system which can use weather data files generated by common data loggers. After evaluations in 2010 and 2011, the powdery mildew component of the model has already demonstrated that a considerable reduction in fungicide input (> 25%) may be achieved with use of the model predictions which is both cost-effective and relevant for the Sustainable Use Directive. The addition of the rose downy mildew software has extended the potential of this decision making support and importantly, the tool allows the growers to save spraying time and improve the precision and timing of application.

- To download the downy and powdery mildew DST - please click here.

Please click "Run" when your browser prompts you and accept any safety/certification warnings that may pop-up since this download is from a safe source.

- To download the accompanying user guide for this model - please click here.

To use the guide you'll need a copy of Adobe Reader - available for free here.

ProCost 2012

The aim of ProCost is to provide hardy ornamental nursery stock growers and protected ornamental plant producers with a simple computer-based method for costing their production. You will find two versions available, one compatible with Microsoft Excel 97-2003 and another designed for Microsoft Excel 2010.

- For more information and to access ProCost 2012 click here.

Irrigation calculator

This HDC Irrigation Calculator enables irrigation distribution patterns to be viewed as a 3D graph. The calculator is accompanied by Factsheet 16/05 Measuring and improving performance of overhead irrigation for container-grown crops, along with a data recording sheet and a drip tray layout sheet.

- To access the irrigation calculator tool click here.

As this is a .exe file type and, depending on the web browser you are using, you may be met with a security message. As the download is from a safe source you should opt to run or save this tool.

- To download Factsheet 16/05 Measuring and improving performance of overhead irrigation for container-grown crops click here.

- To download the data recording sheet click here.

- To download the drip tray layout sheet click here.

Cost benefit analysis (CBA) tool

This Microsoft Excel cost benefit analysis (CBA) tool is an aid for making rational investment decisions and provides a framework for evaluating investment projects. Accompanying the tool is a short presentation offering further information regarding the resource.

- To access the CBA tool click here.

- To download the accompanying presentation click here.

CP 127 Compendium of pest forecasting models

This project (CP 127) was commissioned to take previous forecasting models built using software no longer in use and have them reproduced in more 'simple' compatible formats. For more information on these models and the project's objectives click here. The models have now been rebuilt in Excel and you can now access models for: Cabbage root fly, Carrot Fy, Pollen beetle, Large Narcissus fly, Day-degree models for aphids, Early emerging flies, Overwinter as pupae, Late- emerging flies and Overwinter as larvae. The models are currently supported by the University of Warwick here:

  • Pest Compendium (please note you will be taken to the University of Warwick website)